I'm a wife to Zack, and mom to Gunner and Penelope. I grew up bouncing around while my Dad was in the Navy so I don't claim a hometown. I married a Utah boy, imagining I'd finally get to settle down and put in some roots. But, in the five years since we've been married we have yet to spend a full year living under the same roof. We're in Connecticut now, and are happy to call it home for the time being.
I studied Culinary Arts in college and have a passion for everything sweet. I firmly believe a cookie, baked with love, can heal any heartache. I feel extremely blessed to stay home and raise my babies full time. They are the light behind my smile and infused in each of my tears. I like to try my luck at crafts, although I lack any sort of talent. I just crave the opportunity to be creative.
If you want to talk about things I am good at, I'd say- picking out road trip snacks, binge watching netflix, and maximizing days between showers. (Not to brag or anything)
Hey! I'm Brittany! I am an over-sharer and I come by it honestly. I know a little about a lot of things which keeps things fun and interesting, I need that in my life! I love new adventures and finding out how to do/make/see things! I use a lot of exclamation points!! My #squad consists of my BFF, Cade, our freaking adorable daughters, Georgia and Lucy, and our fur baby, Chewie. Currently, we do not have a "home", Cade is in training to become and Air Traffic Controller, and the girlies, chewie and I are living with my parents... SO I will keep you updated on that situation ;)
I am a stay-at-home-momma and a rep for Agnes and Dora, a company where you do home parties and things like that to sell clothes. My dream job (besides being a momma, obvi) is to be an Interior Designer!! I find that I am happiest when I have a billion different things going on in my life.. It just works for me!
I’m just a 20-something mama of 2 (Beatrice, 2
1/2 and Oliver, 4 months). I started life on the East Coast in the NYC area (that’s right friends, I’m a Jersey Girl.) and
lived out the latter part of my childhood and adolescence in Texas (the great
I studied film and TV at Brigham Young University
and there I met my bestie-turned-husband, Bradley. Soon after we were married,
we moved back east, and worked in the biz for a while. I worked doing film and
tv editing in NYC while he crushed it in the video game industry, but now I’m super
blessed to kick it at home with my behbehs, all day err day. After 6 years on
the East Coast, my little brood is now livin’ it up in Utah. Which, if you told
me I’d ever live in Utah a year ago, I would have done a spit take and laughed
in your face. But here we are! (and surprisingly loving it, might I add…)
As a film major, movies and TV are obviously my
jam. I’m a total film nerd, a never-ending fountain of factoids and movie
lines. I’m not much in the way of, how you say, “domestic arts” but If you are
ever in need of copious, useless pop culture trivia, I’m your girl.
This space is where I’ll chronicle my thoughts on what it is to be a mom and a daughter of god! It may or may not get dorky up in hurr. You have been warned.
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